Print Editions
Each original piece exists only as a digital file created by Anouk Emanuel and she retains the sole copyright of the original art. Any unauthorised reproduction is not permitted.
Limited Editions
Anouk's print work is mostly sold in very carefully controlled limited editions. They are all signed and numbered by hand and come with a certificate of authenticity.
Generally, each work is printed in three standard sizes and is available in the following editions:
Small - edition size is normally 100
Medium - edition size is normally 50
Large - edition size is normally 25

Some pieces are also suitable for Extra Large, oversize printing.
These are limited to an edition size of 10. Please enquire for details.
A few images are part of the 'Beyond' series meaning that they are available in an extended landscape or portrait version. These are limited to a maximum edition of 2 per image. Please enquire for details.
Anouk retains the right to publish an artwork in any edition size but this will always be indicated before the edition is released.
Anouk retains the right to print artist's proofs.
Open Editions
Very occasionally Anouk decides to create an open edition of a particular artwork therefore not limiting the number of prints. They are not numbered and her signature appears only as part of the digital print.