Terms and Conditions
The voucher is not redeemable for cash.
The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
The voucher is not transferable.
The voucher can only be redeemed by contacting Anouk or from an approved retailer*.
The voucher can be used in full or part payment against any Standard Size (S, M, L) limited edition print that is available at www.anoukemanuel.com. Please note that as editions are limited, there is no guarantee that the artwork will still be available at the time the voucher is redeemed. Please check if you have a particular work in mind.
Once a gift voucher is purchased no refund will be offered.
No refund is due if there is a difference between the value of the voucher and the artwork purchased.
No credit is offered if there is a difference between the value of the voucher and the artwork purchased.
Only one voucher can be used against any one artwork.
Postage and packaging of the artwork is not included in the voucher and must be paid for separately. If you wish to pay for the postage and packaging in advance, we will calculate this dependent on the recipient's location and add this to the price. We will then indicate on the voucher that P&P has been included.
Anouk Emanuel is a trading name of Design Creatives Limited.
* Further details to follow.
Gift Vouchers
Vouchers are presented with a greetings card and envelope for you to use.
At the moment, vouchers are only available by contacting Anouk directly. We hope to make vouchers available online soon.
Vouchers are available for each of the Standard Sizes (S, M, L). If you want to gift an 'Extra Large' or a 'Beyond' print then please contact Anouk for more details.
Once you have decided what size print you would like to gift, contact us with your details and the details of the recipient. We will provide payment instructions and once payment has been received, we will send you the relevant voucher by post. UK P&P for the voucher is included. Please enquire for overseas postage charges.
The details you give will be handwritten onto a printed gift voucher. You can then give this voucher to the recipient who should contact Anouk in order to redeem it.
For discretionary purposes the vouchers will not show the amount that you have spent, but simply state the size of the print you have pre-purchased.